Pre-Order Policy

Pre-Order games are not yet available.

We take pre-orders at a discounted price until we begin shipping the game. At that point, we change the price to match the MSRP.

We place the pre-order funds aside until the game ships.

You may cancel your pre-order at any time for a full refund prior to the shipment of the game.

We will periodically announce milestones in the game project's progress.

CRITICAL: Each Pre-Order MUST stand alone on an order.

This policy assures that you will not wait for your order to ship based upon the release date of the last game to leave the print house. If you make a pre-order with another product or pre-order, we will honor the order for all in-stock products and cancel all pre-orders. We will issue a refund for the canceled items. We encourage you to place a new pre-order at your convenience.

Shipping Policy

We are not Amazon. We typically process orders twice per week. If one or more staff are out of the office, twice per week is aspirational.

Our two primary shipping methods are United States Postal Service (USPS) Priority Mail Flat Rate and USPS Priority Mail Regional. For magazines, we use USPS Bound Printed Matter or USPS Bulk. Each of these has times, terms, and conditions set by the USPS. Please check with your local post office for current details as to their services.

We ask customers to wait four to six weeks for delivery for any order. Delivery times in that framework may be edge cases, but they are possible.

Damaged/Missing Items Claims Policy

If your product has a manufacturing defect, we will do what we can to replace any defective item at our cost. However, if we don’t have overages (spare parts) covering the defect, we may have no direction to go.

We make every reasonable effort to pack and ship your items such that they will arrive at your destination in good order.

If your product does not arrive or it arrives in a damaged state, please notify us and then place a claim with your local post office. Keep your packaging and mailing label for the postal inspector to review pursuant to the claim.

Each Priority Mail package typically carries insurance that caps at $50. The Priority Mail insurance is your primary solution for mistakes made by the USPS.

You can request an exception to policy through We will review the situation and might offer other options to resolve your particular issue.

Wholesale Policies

One Small Step, LLC. offers a discount option for commercial purchasers.

The baseline terms and conditions are these:

The purchaser must order a minimum of 12 items, with no fewer than a quantity two for each SKU on the order.

In exchange, OSS offers a discount of 50% off each item’s MSRP. The purchaser covers shipping for all items at normal rates using our normal shipping process.

Massive Orders

It’s difficult for our shipping calculator to cope with all possible order sizes so we cap rational orders at 30kg. In the event that your order weighs more than 30kg. the shipping algorithm may assign an arbitrarily large shipping cost.

Please contact us directly or break your order up into smaller sections if your shipping cost exceeds a few hundred dollars.