Zone 17

One Small Step’s newest game is Zone 17. 

Zone 17 is a science fiction and mecha TTRPG that utilizes our new FeedBack game system. It boasts easy-to-learn mechanics, tactical combat, and an extensive vehicle creation system.  

We are releasing Zone 17 as a boxed set composed of three books in a lovely box to keep out dust, sunlight, and vampires.  

The three game books are a Characters guide, a Vehicles guide, and a Controller guide. Each booklet is 5.5” x 8.5” and has 80 pages of amazing content. 

The Characters guide contains all the rules a player needs to design and outfit a character and play the role-playing and agent scale aspects of the game. It covers character creation, equipment, skills, and combat. 

The Vehicles guide contains all the rules a player needs to design and pilot combat vehicles. The system and tables cover dozens of vehicle classes (motorcycles to mechs), sizes (1-tonne personal transports to 250-tonne behemoths), and systems (e.g., electronic warfare, lasers, jet-assists, shields, autoguns), so players can design most anything from their favorite fictions or respective imaginations. 

The Controller guide contains all the big picture stuff the game’s Controller (referee/game master/overlord) needs to design and host role-playing adventures. Advice on handling players, designing adventures, and creating a world can all be found within. 

Our campaign kicks off on 15 September.  

Stay tuned for more updates.