Pre-Order Refunds
One Small Step has committed to exclusively use Kickstarter (or a similar service) for all of its crowdfunding efforts going forward.
Pre-orders are a mechanism we have used in the past, but we wish to move out of the pre-order business. This policy change will enhance the quality of service we can provide customers and keep customer spends much closer in chronological proximity to our delivery of associated products.
We are in the process of issuing refunds for all outstanding pre-orders for the small clutch of products that accumulated them. We will reverse charges on PayPal and credit card accounts as appropriate. For those pre-orders made using other mechanisms, we will mail out a respective check as soon as we can verify each target mail address.
We’ll notify everyone as new products are prepped for Kickstarter using our normal channels (e.g. blog, Facebook). One can purchase each product during its respective KS campaign at the KS discounted price. At the conclusion of each successful Kickstarter campaign, we will make the product available at MSRP through our online store.
Our current product release order is Zone 17 RPG/Miniatures, Millennium Wars Global Crisis Center, Fornalder, and then 12 Battles in the Age of Chivalry.
We appreciate your patience. Thank you for your patronage.